Q. What is the difference between a coach and a therapist?
- A therapist is a licensed medical professional who helps people deal with emotional and/or traumatic experiences from their past. A coach is a person who helps consult, guide and encourages clients on matters having to do with careers or personal growth and/or challenges. A therapist helps you with the past and a coach helps you with the future.
Q. I have been involved BDSM for more than 10 years, can I still benefit from your coaching?
- Absolutely! There’s a lot more than just the activity in this lifestyle and no one knows it all. Let’s discuss the areas you are looking to be counseled or coached in and we’ll discuss it. We will prepare a personalized plan just for you. No two individuals are the same and we do not use a “cookie cutter” approach to coaching.
Q. Do you offer virtual coaching or classes online?
- Yes I can work with clients one-on-one or conduct a class or presentation for a group via zoom. Currently classes are not available for download, but there may be some coming in the future.
Q. Do you teach “hands on” techniques or is it instructional only?
- Yes, that is an option that is available. I have a network of professional colleagues that assist in the teaching of hard skills. If I you are looking to learn something in an area that I do not feel falls into my area of expertise, I will bring in someone who has the appropriate expertise. The bottom line is that you should learn from the best.
Q. How do I book an appointment?
- Just click on the “Contact Us” link in the upper right corner of the website and submit an application. We will then schedule a free consultation to discus your needs in more detail.
Q. My partner and I want to take our relationship to another level, shall we contact you for an appointment?
- Yes ! I work with a lot of couples, both new to the lifestyle who are starting to explore, all the way to experienced relationships with existing dynamics. Whether it is help with navigating the dynamic of your current relationship, learning more about the practices of the arts, or helping couples start their journey, I can help you.
Q. Do you mentor people?
- Yes, but on a limited basis. A mentorship is a very time-consuming responsibility, so I am very careful about who and when I consider mentoring someone. Coaching may transition to mentoring, but mentorship are usually not available until after working together as your coach.
Q. I am new and looking for a partner, can you help me find one?
- I do not find someone a partner, match people up or connect people looking to meet each other. I can help you develop the skills that will help you find that special someone you’re looking for and suggest events that may enable you to meet like-minded people. I’m a BDSM Lifestyles Coach, not a matchmaker.
Q. My budget is tight, but I would like to see you. Do you trade coaching time for services?
- If you have a skill or expertise that you think would be something that be worth bartering, I encourage you to click on the “Contact Us’ link in the upper right corner. We can discuss what you have to offer.
Q. I am a trans person and kinky, do you offer coaching for both?
- Absolutely! I have more than 30 years’ experience in both transgender living and a kink lifestyle. You will be working with someone who has walked in your shoes in their own life. I encourage you to contact me.
Q. I am a licensed therapist and would love to get a better understanding of the kink lifestyle to better serve my clients. Could your coaching help me?
- Yes! I have spoken to groups of therapists on numerous occasions and conducted workshops for therapists who are interested in learning more about what BDSM is and what it is not so they can better understand the issues of their clients, and how to help them. Please contact me to discuss.